Why I want to do this blog?

Yes, of course the answer is an easy one, because I’m a kind of «gick», «nerd» or «fricky» guy with a lot of time!  Well, this is not true but definitely it is not completely wrong neither!  Right now I’m in a kind of sabbatical year, I’m doing a MBA, and even if I pass a lot of time with my 3 kids, it looks like I need to start to doing more things if I don’t want to get crazy…

I worked for 3 years in a GSM Operator in Venezuela (one of the first outside Europe) and after I passed 10 amazing years in Paris, working for Nokia (now Nokia Solutions and Networks).  During all this time I have the pleasure to share my work with great people and work in one area that had changed the way that we live, the mobile networks.

Since2000 I had the opportunity to work with mobile data, something that was completely new for that moment, at least for the consumer markets.  In fact it was always very hard to explain to my family and friends what I was doing (and it is still hard to explain).  The way that we live have changed a lot since then, and part of this important change has coming carried by telecom networks (even literally speaking).

In my experience I passed from different technologies and networks but there was always one common factor:  The Specifications! …and I still remember the first time that I opened a GSM spec…  I was shocked because it was like Chinese for me… so many abbreviations, references to everywhere, schemes quite impossible to follow up…. I remember to say “this is not for me!”  …but after a while, and I mean a while… I started to like them (yes it is quite weird I know) and if I want to do this is because I believe that I can find more people that would like to like the specs and I want to help you in this quest!

This is my first blog, then all the comments about the content or the blog itself are more than welcome!  I want to say also that I’m more fluently in Spanish and French, then if you find out that some sentences are quite wrong please share it with me also.
